Fountain memorial to local lad - Percy Bysshe Shelley aka 'The Christmas Pudding' Café in the park, welcomes bikers. The Causeway; Links the town centre to the parish church.


Southeast - moderate 30km
Along the Pedlar's way to Copsale, then onto Nuthurst and
Lower Beeding passing through 'Iron Country'.

East - moderate - 12km
A ride around St. Leonard's forest.

Northeast - moderate - 19km
A ride through the forest to Ifield and back along the ridge.

Northwest - moderate - 39km
Along and by a disused railway and canal



West - moderate - 13km
Over the Arun and along the Downslink to Slinfold and Warnham.

South - moderate - 19km
Into Belloc country!

South - easy - 16km
Mainly on road and disused railway line, past pubs and playing fields.


Cache hunt for GPS users

A photograph for every grid sqaure
Horsham Pub Guide A guide to country pubs near Horsham

Cleaning off your bike!

Copyright Peter Cox 2004